12P Pons Brooks (14 Images, 5 Mins Integration)

12P Pons Brooks (14 Images, 5 Mins Integration)

Firstly, hello to everyone in the community. While I'm no expert at astrophotography or the processing that goes along with it,  have used the other more popular software out there, but it is always a complicated process for me. Here I took just 14 images (total of 4 mins 56 secs of capture time) of 12P Pons Brooks and was looking for a tutorial on how to process, when I came across Nebulb. Toni's tutorial looked so simple I had to try this out. Below is the final image after spending no more than 5 mins playing with the sliders, then doing some noise reduction on my Pixel phone. 
I have to say, I'm looking forward to processing some of my older images in Nebulb and see how they turn out.
Great work so far Toni!