Capture with a star tracker

Capture with a star tracker

Nebulb is a specialized software for processing landscape astrophotography, where usually the camera is placed directly on a tripod (without a star tracker mount). That said, in Nebulb you can also easily process images captured using a star tracker by simply selecting the following option:

Thus, by selecting this option Nebulb specifically optimizes the stacking process in order to obtain the best possible result with images captured with star tracker.

Also, in the image above you can see that the "Deep Space" preset is selected, since, very commonly, tracking mounts are used to photograph deep space objects. That said, there is no problem in using a star tracker also for landscape astrophotography.

Below, you have an example of the result that can be obtained by processing deep space images directly with Nebulb (the RAW images were captured in a Bortle 5 zone and using a regular (unmodified) Nikon D810 camera, a Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm F/5.6 telephoto lens, a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer 2i equatorial mount and a tripod):

One of the original RAW images imported into Nebulb

Result after stacking, development and light pollution reduction at Nebulb

As you can see, these are results obtained directly in Nebulb (without using any other software). Although, of course, if you wish, there is no problem to export the image obtained in Nebulb for further processing in other software.

IMPORTANT: In case you use a star tracker for landscape astrophotography you must take into account that the ground will probably be moved, since the mount moves the camera to compensate the Earth's rotation. However, what you can do to avoid this problem is to import in Nebulb a master image for the ground (

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