Do all images need to have been captured with the same parameters for stacking?

Do all images need to have been captured with the same parameters for stacking?

No, but yes. Let me explain.

There is no problem in stacking images captured with different parameters in Nebulb, but for noise reduction these different images do not add, but subtract.

That is, if you stack many images and some of them have different parameters it will not be noticed. But if there are few images and with different parameters, the noise reduction achieved by stacking may be much lower.

That said, in case you want to use a specific image for the ground (with different lighting and capture parameters) you can always import it into Nebulb as "Master image" and then select it as the image for the ground.

To import and use a master image: (1) press the button to select the master image from disk, (2) the master image information is displayed and (3) select the master image for the ground.