Hand sorting of flying objects

Hand sorting of flying objects

In Nebulb it is possible to manually sort any flying object (change it from one type to another), for which there is a specific section within the "Flying Objects" module that allows you to do this in a very simple way:

Thus, by hand sorting of flying objects it is possible to refine the automatic classification made by Nebulb, which may be necessary, for example, when visually checking flying objects that are doubtful.

The way to manually classify any flying object is as follows:

1. Press the button for hand selection of flying objects.

Clicking the hand button (red arrow) enables the selection of flying objects with the mouse.

2. Select the flying objects to be reclassified with the mouse.

When flying objects (regardless of their type) are selected, they are rendered in white. In this case, several objects initially classified as meteors have been selected, but since they deviated more than the rest of the meteors from the center of the radiant, they have been visually checked and it has been verified that they are actually satellites.

3. Press the button of the category to which you want to move these flying objects (meteors, strangers, satellites/planes or ghosts).

By means of these buttons it is possible to change the category to which the selected flying objects belong.

IMPORTANT: The hand sorting buttons for flying objects are only enabled when hand sorting (the hand button) is activated.

Continuing with the example, by pressing the red circle button Nebulb will assign the "satellites/planes" category to the selected objects.

4. Accept the confirmation message.

When pressing a hand sort button, Nebulb always displays a confirmation message.

When the confirmation message is accepted, the selected flying objects are automatically assigned to the category selected by the user (in this case to "satellites/planes").

In this simple way it is possible to refine (or adjust to the user's liking) the automatic classification made by Nebulb.

ADVICE: Hand sorting is also very useful when photographing at a time of the year when there are two active meteor showers, since in such cases the meteors of the secondary meteor shower can be manually classified as "stranger" flying objects, so that it is then possible to obtain very easily two versions of the same image: one with only the meteors of the main meteor shower (classified as meteors) and one with only the meteors of the secondary meteor shower (classified as strangers).

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