How can I capture more photos than the maximum number of shots my shutter release indicates?

How can I capture more photos than the maximum number of shots my shutter release indicates?

The shutter release usually has a maximum number of shots that, in some circumstances, can fall short, since it is limited to a number of 3 digits.

For example, in the image below you can see that "399" is the typical limit of photos that a normal cable intervalometer (the ones I have) allows you to take:

But then, if you want to shoot more photos how do you do it?

Very easy, because the vast majority of intervalometers have an option that allows you to take photos uninterruptedly and without limits.

To do this, you simply have to set the intervalometer to its "---" position, as you can see in the following image:

All the intervalometers I have seen (both the most expensive and the cheapest ones) always have this option, thanks to which you can take as many shots as you want.