How many images are needed for stacking?

How many images are needed for stacking?

This depends mainly on the noise level of your camera and the amount of light pollution you need to reduce.

As a general rule:
  1. Higher noise → More images for stacking.
  1. More light pollution → More images for stacking.

That said, I have found empirically that (to get a good shot of the galactic center of the Milky Way) stacking about 15 minutes of pictures is more than enough to reduce noise tremendously and therefore be able to apply a lot of light pollution reduction without noise being an impediment to it.

For example, if you set an exposure time of 10 seconds (that’s 6 images per minute) you would have about 90 images for stacking.

Personally, for photographing the Milky Way I usually stack between 75 and 150 images (depending on whether I set a little more or a little less exposure time). But I move in that range of images.