How much disk space does Nebulb need?

How much disk space does Nebulb need?

The installation of Nebulb requires between 250 MB (for the normal version) and about 2 GB of disk (for the GPU version).

That said, during the stacking process Nebulb needs a temporary working folder in which to store all the progress it makes.

Thanks to this, Nebulb can stack thousands of images without any problems, and there is also no problem if the power goes out or you decide to pause the stacking process, since you can resume where you left off.

And as a general recommendation about the temporary working folder: it is interesting that the disk where it is located has, at least, between 100 and 200 GB free (although this is something quite flexible because Nebulb adapts to the available disk space).

But this does not mean that Nebulb will always use all that disk space, simply that in the case that a lot of images are stacked Nebulb will have enough free space to be able to do its work properly.

In addition, when Nebulb finishes stacking and you save the project, all the disk space temporarily used is automatically freed.

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