How to deactivate the license of a computer

How to deactivate the license of a computer

Feature available from version 1.5.0 

By default, the Nebulb license is associated to the first two computers on which you login, allowing you to use the software simultaneously on 2 different computers.

However, it may happen that you want to change one (or both) of the computers on which you use Nebulb (because, for example, you have purchased a new computer). In this case there is an option in Nebulb that allows you to deactivate your license on any computer on which you have previously activated Nebulb.

Moreover, it is not necessary to do this from the computer on which the license is active, since it could happen that, among other things, that computer has broken down and you cannot boot it. For this reason, it is possible to deactivate the Nebulb license from any other computer (you only need to install Nebulb and login with your user).

Below you can see how to deactivate the Nebulb license from any computer.

How to deactivate the Nebulb license associated with a computer?

1. Click on the email that appears in the upper right corner of Nebulb (which will be the email associated with your license) to display the license management menu:

2. Within the license management menu there is the option "Deactivate device".

3. If you drop down the "Deactivate device" option you will see the computers that are currently associated to your Nebulb license (which can be a maximum of two). Below you can see an example of this:

4. Clicking on the computer you want to deactivate will open a window that will allow you to deactivate that device:

5. In order to deactivate a device you need a security token, which you can generate by pressing the button marked with a red arrow:

6. You will receive a confirmation message informing you that a token will be generated and sent to the email address associated with your Nebulb license:

7. When you confirm the above message (by pressing the "Yes" button) Nebulb will generate and send the token to your email, showing you the following message:

8. Access your email inbox and locate an email with the subject "Nebulb token". Below is an example of this email:

9. Simply copy the token (the text string that appears in blue in the email) and paste it into the Nebulb text box:

10. Once you have done the above, press the accept button and Nebulb will proceed to deactivate the license on the selected device, displaying the following message:

ATTENTION: In order to deactivate a device, an Internet connection is required (both to generate the token and to deactivate the device license).

11. After deactivating the device you can verify that this computer no longer appears in the list of licensed devices:

As you can see in the example image above, now only one licensed device appears because I just deactivated the other one. So, now I can activate my Nebulb license on a different computer.

IMPORTANTAt any time you can reactivate a computer that you have previously deactivated. To do this you just have to login again on that device and your Nebulb license will be re-associated to that computer (just as it was before). In other words, there is no problem reactivating the license on a computer that you have previously deactivated.

How do I deactivate the license of another computer when I get the message "TOO MANY LICENSED DEVICES"?

It may happen that (due to a breakdown, because you are traveling, etc.) you cannot access the computers that are associated to your Nebulb license and you want to use Nebulb on another computer.

The problem in this case is that your license is already associated to two computers and, therefore, Nebulb does not let you use it on a third device.

However, what you can do is to install Nebulb and login on that new computer (although it does not let you do anything else, you can login).

Obviously, when you do this you will get a message (in the upper right corner) indicating that your license is already associated to too many computers and, therefore, all Nebulb options will be disabled.

In this situation Nebulb will not let you do anything except manage your license (it will let you do that).

Therefore, by clicking on the email shown in the upper right corner (which will be the one of your license) you can access the license management menu.

That is, you can do the same as explained in the previous section: deactivate your license from one of the computers on which it is activated and, thus, activate it on a new computer.

To do this you have to:

1. Access the "Deactivate device" submenu and select the device from which you want to deactivate your Nebulb license:

2. And now, in the window that will have appeared, you simply have to:
(1) Generate a token, open your email inbox and locate the email with the subject "Nebulb token".  
(2) Copy and paste the token text.
(3) Press the accept button.

By doing the above, your license will be deactivated from that computer and will be automatically activated on the current computer (the one you are on now).

And now in the top right corner only your email will appear (without any red warning) and you will be able to use Nebulb normally on this new computer:

If you now check the devices to which your license is associated you will see that the previous computer no longer appears, but the current computer does (because you have just activated it):

Feature available from version 1.5.0 

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