Is it possible to make panoramas with Nebulb?

Is it possible to make panoramas with Nebulb?

It must be assumed that Nebulb is not a software for panorama stitching, so a software specialized in panorama creation will be necessary to assemble the final image.

That said, it is true that Nebulb can be used to process the different shots that make up the final panoramic image.

For this, the most convenient way to use Nebulb is to apply a small stacking for each of the positions of the panorama, so that it is possible to achieve a great reduction of noise and light pollution.

And then the final montage of the panorama is made from the processed and exported images from Nebulb.

That is:
  1. The images from each of the capture positions are stacked and processed in Nebulb.
  2. The panorama is assembled in a specialized software (from the images exported from Nebulb).

And as for the number of images that it is convenient to capture for each of the positions, it is usually sufficient to make small capture sequences of between 3 and 5 minutes for each of the positions.

Obviously, the more images captured for each position, the more noise and light pollution can be reduced, but, on the other hand, the more the sky will move between each of the panoramic positions. Precisely for this last reason it is a good option to make small stacks of about 5 minutes of captures for each of the positions.

IMPORTANT: In order to facilitate the subsequent stitching of the different positions, it is highly recommended to apply the same processing adjustments in all those small stacks (so that the images you export from Nebulb are as homogeneous as possible and, therefore, it is easier for the panorama software to join all those photos). This is precisely why Nebulb allows you to import all the settings from one project to another (so you don't have to adjust by hand each of the parameters you have set in a previous project). In this other article you have more information about this:

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