Management of Nebulb projects

Management of Nebulb projects

Nebulb project files

In Nebulb each processing performed is stored in a self-contained project file (files with extension *.nbp), in which Nebulb saves all the information generated during the stacking and, also, all the processing adjustments applied by the user.

That is, the project files contain all the necessary information to be able to apply all the desired adjustments on the image resulting from the stacking (without the need to have the original image files).

Obviously, due to a data volume issue, the project files cannot contain all the original images imported into Nebulb (they only contain the original base image and the references to the rest of the images), but once the stacking is done Nebulb does not need to have the original images (everything it needs is in the project file).

In addition, all the adjustments made in Nebulb are non-destructive, so you can make all the modifications you want without degrading the image.

ATTENTION: In case you want to execute the stacking again or refine it (because you have selected another time of the night to align the flying objects), then Nebulb will need again the files of all the original images imported in Nebulb.

Management of Nebulb projects

Within the "File" option of the main menu you can find all the options to manage Nebulb projects.

In this menu you can:
  1. New project: Create a new empty project.
  2. Open project: Open an existing (previously saved) project.
  3. Open recent project: Allows you to select from a list 1 of the last 20 projects you have worked on.
  4. Save project: Save a project you are working on that already has a project file associated with it (because you have already saved it previously).
  5. Save project as...: Save a new project (the NBP project file is created) or save an existing project under a different name (a new NBP project file is created).

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