When this mode is selected, each flying object is rendered by a virtual line on the image, at the exact position and length of the flying object and with a color indicating the category to which it is assigned:
- Meteors: green lines.
- Strangers: red lines.
- Satellites/planes: yellow lines.
- Ghosts: purple lines.
This is the default mode of representation, as it is a very visual way to see the detected flying objects (you quickly get a general overview), as well as facilitating the manual selection and classification of any of them.
Meteors rendered in "line" mode
This mode of representation is similar to that of "lines", but in this case what is drawn on the image is a virtual rectangle that frames each of the flying objects. That is, the flying objects are just inside the rectangles.
On the other hand, selecting the "rectangles" mode automatically disables the "lines" mode (and vice versa), since the rendering of both types of graphics can be confusing.
Meteors rendered in "rectangle" mode
Also, this way of rendering flying objects is very useful when combined with the "real image" mode, since the visual review of flying objects can be done in a more comfortable and easy way (the rectangles perfectly delimit the flying objects and, in addition, allow their real image to be seen as well).
Region (at 100% zoom) with the rendering of the meteors in "rectangle" and "real image" mode (both activated). Also, one of them (the white rectangle) has been manually selected.
Projection lines
In this mode of representation, an infinite line is drawn on the image following the direction of each of the flying objects. This is a very useful way of rendering the flying objects to determine the radiant of the main meteor shower, thanks to which it is possible to exclude very easily those meteors or other flying objects that do not follow this radiant.
The "projection lines" can be activated simultaneously with any other mode of representation.
Meteors are rendered in "projection line" mode, which allows to observe the position of the radiant in the sky (convergence zone of all lines). Thus, with this mode of representation it is very easy to detect any flying object that does not follow the main radiant.
Rendering of stranger objects in "projection line" mode. In this case, unlike what was seen with the meteors, no specific point of irradiation is observed.
Real image
When selecting this mode Nebulb automatically performs the fusion of the real image of the flying objects on the background image.
Therefore, this is the mode to select in order to see the captured meteors over the final image, as well as to be able to apply all the meteor enhancement adjustments (to make them stand out more).
Rendering of the real image of the captured meteors
Region (at 100% zoom) showing the blending of a group of meteors in the final image