The Nebulb interface is composed of different sections, as shown in the following screenshot:
1. Main menu
General application options (open and save projects, undo changes, flying object management, help).
Options for user license management (login, password change).
This panel contains the histogram along with capture metadata, image import tools, image preprocessing utilities and image export options.
Stacking configuration options along with all the tools for image processing after stacking (developing, light pollution reduction, star and noise reduction, flying object processing, sky/ground blending and geometric sky transformation).
5. Image display
Area where the image is represented and can be interacted with using the mouse (zoom, scrolling, selection of masks, selection of flying objects...).
Selection of the zoom level, representation of shadow and highlight clipping, tools for the selection of the different masks that Nebulb may need (sky mask, exclusion mask and mask for objects above the horizon) and image rotation options.
Selection of the type of image to be displayed (original image, image with aligned stars, star trails image...) and tools for selecting the time of night for which stars and flying objects in the sky appear aligned.
8. Status bar
This area shows general information about the actions that the user is doing in Nebulb (on the left) and also shows here (on the right) the stacking progress information.