Processing of meteor showers

Processing of meteor showers

With Nebulb it is possible to obtain automatically and very easily a meteor shower image with all the meteors perfectly aligned according to the radiant and without any plane or satellite appearing. For this purpose, the "Flying Objects" module can be found in the right tool panel:

This module contains all the necessary utilities to easily manage the thousands of flying objects that can be detected during a meteor shower session, making it possible to obtain an image showing only the meteors.

What is meant by "flying objects"?

Flying objects are any bright object that moves in the sky in a way that is different from the stars and is also recorded in one of the captured images. Typical flying objects are meteors, planes and satellites.

Enable flying object detection

For the "Flying Objects" module to be enabled, it is necessary to check the "Detect flying objects" option before executing the stacking. Thus, by selecting this option Nebulb performs the automatic detection of all flying objects during the stacking process.

Likewise, this utility is useful both for processing the images of a meteor shower session (in which hundreds or thousands of photos are usually captured) and for detecting isolated meteors in any stack of images. Sometimes when capturing images for a stack of images of the Milky Way (to give a typical example) it happens that a meteor is captured in one of the images. Thus, with Nebulb it is possible to detect also these isolated meteors that can give a very interesting and unique touch to the final image.

IMPORTANT 1: For the detection of flying objects to work, it is necessary to import multiple images (at least two) and that the stars in the images are as punctual as possible.

IMPORTANT 2: Flying object detection cannot be applied on single images, nor on images already composed (as in the Live Composite mode of Olympus cameras).

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