Thus, in case you want to completely reset the stacking to run it again from the beginning (which is necessary in case you want to modify the stacking configuration or you want to refine the stacking again) you can do it by means of this button.
- When stacking has not been executed (or processing of an individual image) this button is disabled:
- And when stacking (or stacking refinement) is completed or paused this button is enabled to allow the user to reset the stacking done:
In the case of pressing this button and confirming the message that appears, Nebulb deletes all the information generated during stacking and the project remains as it was before stacking.
IMPORTANT 1: This action cannot be undone, i.e. if you reset the stacking and save the project the only way to get the stacked image back is to run the complete stacking again.
IMPORTANT 2: In the case that you have performed a stacking refinement, the reset button applies first on the refinement, not on the initial stacking. That is, in case you press the reset button, having previously refined the stacking, what Nebulb will do is to discard the stacking refinement and leave the project in the state in which it was just before executing the stacking refinement. In this case, when pressing the reset button, the confirmation message that Nebulb will show will be different, since it will refer exclusively to the stacking refinement: