It should be noted that, obviously, the smoothing of star trails implies that more tasks have to be performed during stacking and, therefore, the stacking time becomes longer. Thus, in order that the stacking time does not increase more than necessary there is the possibility to indicate the time interval to be used by Nebulb to smooth and fill in the gaps of the star trails.
Generally speaking, this time interval represents the maximum time gap that the star trails can have for Nebulb to fill it smoothly. For example, if the "15 min" option is selected, Nebulb will obtain an image with perfect star trails even if (for whatever reason) the capture was interrupted for 15 minutes or a cloud covered the stars for 15 minutes.
Thus, this functionality, in addition to generating much smoother star trails, eliminates all the gaps in the trail of any star (both the most intense and the faintest). Moreover, this feature is effective regardless of whether the gaps are constant (due to the time interval between each shot) or completely irregular (e.g., those generated by clouds).
Having said all this, the available smoothing intervals are as follows: