Specific processing for the sky

Specific processing for the sky

Nebulb has, in the "Sky" module, several tools to very easily apply some of the processing commonly used to enhance the sky part of astrophotography images (both landscape and deep space).

The functionalities currently available in this module are:
  1. Star reduction: It allows the stars to be progressively dimmed so that they stand out less and the nebulae (such as those in the galactic centre of the Milky Way) become more prominent.
  1. Star glow: It allows the brightest stars to stand out (by glowing around them).
  1. Smoothing: It allows to reduce the noise in the sky, which can be particularly interesting when a strong light pollution reduction is applied.

More information on these specific utilities for sky processing can be found in the documentation: https://help.nebulb.com/portal/en/kb/documentation/sky

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