I have placed the order for the trial license through PayPal but I do not have the option to split the payment in 3 installments

I have placed the order for the trial license through PayPal but I do not have the option to split the payment in 3 installments

This is because PayPal does not offer the option to split the payment in 3 installments when at the time of placing the order no payment is made, which happens when you select the option "1. TRIAL 21 DAYS (free)", since, at this time you do not pay anything.

That said, in case you want to enjoy the 3 installments payment offered by PayPal I recommend one of these two options:
1. Place a normal trial order ("1. TRIAL 21 DAYS (free)"), try Nebulb well and, before the end of the 21 day trial, cancel the trial order. Then, if you like Nebulb, place a new order by selecting the option "2. DIRECT PURCHASE" and now you will be able to split the payment in 3 installments with PayPal, since the first of the 3 installments will be charged at the time of confirming the order.

2. Cancel the trial period directly and place a new order selecting the option "2. DIRECT PURCHASE", since PayPal will now allow you to select payment in 3 installments. Please note that in this case the first installment will be charged at the same time you confirm the order, but you also have 21 days to try Nebulb. And in the case that during the trial period you see that Nebulb is not for you, don't worry, submit a support ticket indicating it and I will refund the amount paid without problems (no questions asked).

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