Supported image formats

Supported image formats

Nebulb supports virtually all existing RAW image formats.

So instead of listing all supported formats, here are just the two formats that Nebulb does not yet support:
  1. Nikon's new lossless compression RAW format.
  2. Sony's new lossless compression RAW format.
The traditional RAW modes (lossy compressed or uncompressed) do work properly, but this new RAW format (lossless compressed) released by both Nikon and Sony is not yet supported in Nebulb.

Therefore, in case you want to import images directly into Nebulb (which is desirable) and your camera has this new RAW format, I recommend that to work with Nebulb you set it in lossy compression mode (which is the one I always use) or in uncompressed mode.

Another alternative (in case you want to work with this new RAW format) is to convert the images to the standard DNG format before importing them to Nebulb.

Finally, in addition to being able to import RAW images directly, in Nebulb you can also import other types of image formats such as: DNG, TIFF, JPEG, PNG...

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