White balance

White balance

White balance in RAW images

When working in Nebulb with RAW images it is possible to fully adjust the white balance (both before and after stacking), for which there are specific controls within the "Develop" module.

One of the great advantages of importing images directly in RAW format is that Nebulb works internally with the images in the native colour space of the camera, thanks to which it is then possible to fully adjust the white balance (just as if it were done in the camera before shooting) and, moreover, it is possible to do so both before and after stacking.

In Nebulb there are 3 ways to adjust the white balance of the image:
1. Selecting one of the predefined white balances from the drop-down list..

2. By clicking, with the manual white balance selection tool, on a point on the image that is colour neutral (white/grey).

3. By means of the "Temperature" and "Tint" sliders.

Regardless of the method used to adjust the white balance, the sliders display numerically the colour temperature (K) and the tint value of the image.

White balance in non-RAW images

In the case that images are imported in other formats than RAW (in TIFF or JPEG, for example) the white balance can also be adjusted, but not in the same way as with RAW images, because in these other formats the images are no longer in the native colour space of the camera (which is the only one from which the white balance can be completely modified).

However, in these cases Nebulb also allows you to modify the white balance, although in a relative (not absolute) way. That is to say, on images that are not RAW, you can apply variations of the white balance with respect to the one used when converting the image. For this reason, as you can see in the following image, when importing non-RAW images, the colour temperature and tint settings are set to 0 by default, since their values are relative to the white balance of the image (0 means that the white balance of the image is maintained).

As in the case of working with RAW images, the white balance can also be adjusted in the same 3 ways: via the temperature and tint sliders, via the manual selector on the image or via the drop-down list (although in this case there are far fewer options).

Zone white balance adjustment (ground / sky)

Nebulb allows you to apply general development settings (for the whole image), but also specific settings for the ground and the sky (in this other article you can find more information about this: https://help.nebulb.com/portal/en/kb/articles/image-development-by-zones-general-ground-and-sky).

Thus, in order to be able to apply the general white balance of the image, you must select the option for the general development adjustments (button on the left). By doing this the colour temperature and tint values are the ones corresponding to the general white balance of the image.

However, in case the specific adjustments for the ground or for the sky are selected, the data displayed are relative values with respect to the general white balance of the image.

For colour temperature, negative values mean shifting the white balance towards cooler temperatures and positive values towards warmer temperatures.

And for tint, negative values mean shifting the white balance towards greener tones and positive values towards more magenta tones.

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