Why can meteors appear ahead of some element on the ground?

Why can meteors appear ahead of some element on the ground?

It may seem curious that Nebulb can render meteors (or any other flying object) in front of something on the ground (like a tree or a tower, for example), but it has a very simple explanation.

The issue is related to the fact that Nebulb calculates the alignment of the stars for all images, thanks to which it is then able to leave the meteors aligned according to the sky for any time of the night.

And this is precisely the explanation, since, by aligning the meteors for a time of the night different from the time they appeared, it is possible that at that moment of the night that part of the sky was just behind some object (such as, for example, a tree) so that Nebulb (with good judgment) indicates that this is the place where the meteor should be (because that is just the area of the sky where it appeared).

For this reason, when Nebulb renders graphically the meteors aligned according to the sky, many of them appear in areas on the ground, as you can see in this image:

Many meteors are graphically rendered in the ground area because the exact position in the sky where they appeared is right in that place for the selected time of the night (base image).

Well, if you add to this that the sky mask is not well defined (it includes part of the ground as if it were sky), then Nebulb can render the meteors on that area of the ground (because he considers that it is sky as it is included in the sky mask).

Therefore, to avoid rendering a meteor in front of some element of the ground, you must simply ensure that the sky mask is well defined and does not include anything on the ground. And in case the sky mask is not quite right, just modify it and refresh the masks so that this problem disappears.

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