Flying Objects
Select the base image to get the best possible view of the sky and the meteors
One of the things that traditionally had to be done when processing a meteor shower image was to first choose the base image on which to align the captured meteors. However, the great disadvantage of this was that before seeing the final result (with ...
Flying objects enhancement
In addition to automatic detection, classification and alignment according to the radiant, Nebulb also allows you to apply specific enhancements to the meteors so that they stand out more in the final image. For this purpose, Nebulb has a series of ...
Remove ghost flying objects
As explained in more detail in other articles of the documentation related to the management of flying objects: Nebulb allows to modify the category of any flying object, but never eliminates them. For example, when applying an automatic ...
Restore default flying object sorting
During stacking Nebulb performs the detection of flying objects and also automatically classifies them among: meteors, strangers, satellites/planes and ghosts. This initial sorting done by Nebulb greatly facilitates the user's subsequent visual ...
Automatic classification of flying objects according to the radiant
In photographs of meteor showers it is usually desired to include only the meteors coming from the main meteor shower (the one photographed) and, in addition, that all these meteors are aligned according to the radiant (alignment according to the ...
Hand sorting of flying objects
In Nebulb it is possible to manually sort any flying object (change it from one type to another), for which there is a specific section within the "Flying Objects" module that allows you to do this in a very simple way: Thus, by hand sorting of ...
Manual selection of flying objects
In Nebulb you can easily select any flying object with the mouse, thanks to which it is possible: Display the information of that flying object (type, image name and time instant when it was captured, intensity and length). Change the type of the ...
Summary of flying objects
At the bottom of the "Flying Objects" module there is a section where you can find a summary of all detected flying objects (by categories) and, in addition, the information of the last selected flying object (in case you have selected one). Summary ...
Visual review of flying objects
Sometimes there may be doubts about the validity of a meteor, for which it is very useful to be able to review the original image in which the flying object was captured, as well as the adjacent images. Well, as you can see below, these review tasks ...
Flying object alignment modes
Flying objects can be rendered on the final image in two different positions: 1. In the position in the sky where they appeared. 2. In the image position in which they were captured. In the case of using an equatorial mount (star tracker) during the ...
Modes of representation of flying objects
Using the "Mode of representation" buttons, it is possible to choose between different ways of displaying the flying objects on the final image (to facilitate the management of the flying objects). Lines When this mode is selected, each flying object ...
Flying object types
In Nebulb, flying objects are classified into 4 types: meteors, strangers, satellites/planes and ghosts. Also, by means of the "Displayed Objects" buttons it is possible to select at any time which types of flying objects are displayed on the image. ...
Processing of meteor showers
With Nebulb it is possible to obtain automatically and very easily a meteor shower image with all the meteors perfectly aligned according to the radiant and without any plane or satellite appearing. For this purpose, the "Flying Objects" module can ...