License related messages

License related messages

In the upper right corner of Nebulb, the email address of the user who has accessed the software is displayed and there may also appear (right next to the email) a message related to the license.

The different messages that may appear are:
  1. UNLICENSED: No valid license was found with the entered email/password. This message is displayed in case the entered email is not the one used when ordering the license or also if the entered password is not correct.
  1. INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED: It indicates that Nebulb requires a mandatory Internet connection in order to verify the user's license.
  1. TOO MANY LICENSED DEVICES: The official Nebulb license allows you to use the software on up to 2 different computers, so this message appears when you try to access Nebulb on any other computer than the first two on which the license was used. That said, it is possible to deactivate the license of any device in order to be able to use Nebulb on a different computer (due to renewal, for example). In this link you can find how to deactivate the license of a computer.
  1. NO INTERNET CONNECTION: It indicates that there is no Internet connection and, therefore, Nebulb has not been able to verify the license. However, unlike the previous message ("INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED") in this case it is only a warning, since the user had previously logged in with the Internet and, therefore, his license could be verified. Nebulb allows a previously logged in user to access without Internet connection for a maximum of 7 days. After this time Nebulb mandatorily needs to access the Internet to validate the license again.
  1. OFFLINE LICENSE: Indicates that communication with the Nebulb license server could not be established and, therefore, Nebulb could not verify the user's license. However, the user can access and work without problems in Nebulb, since he had already accessed previously (he was logged in). This message appears in case of a failure in Nebulb's license server, something that is really very rare to happen, but could occasionally occur.
  1. NEBULB LICENSE SERVER ERROR: Indicates that communication with the Nebulb license server could not be established and, therefore, Nebulb could not verify the user's license. In this case, unlike the previous one, the user is not allowed to access, since he/she was not previously logged in. The user will not be able to access the software until the problem in the license server is restored and the user's license can be verified. It is really very strange that this happens, but in this life anything can happen.
  1. EXPIRING LICENSE: Indicates that the official license is just a few days away from expiring. After this time the user will be able to continue using Nebulb exactly as before (the official Nebulb license is perpetual), only that future updates will no longer be applied (an expired license allows to use the software, but not to apply new updates).
  1. EXPIRED LICENSE: Indicates that the official license has expired (no longer entitled to updates). In this case the user will be able to continue using Nebulb exactly as before (the official Nebulb license is perpetual), only that future updates will no longer apply (an expired license allows you to use the software, but not to apply new updates).
  1. TRIAL LICENSE: Indicates that a Nebulb trial license is being used.
  1. EXPIRING TRIAL LICENSE: Indicates that the Nebulb trial period is about to end. When the trial period ends, the official license fee is automatically charged and you become an official Nebulb user (unless you cancel the trial period before it ends).
  1. INVALID TRIAL LICENSE: Indicates that the trial license is no longer valid because the user has canceled the trial period. This message may also appear after the end of the trial period (without having cancelled it) if it has not been possible to automatically charge the official license fee.
  1. DEVICE WITH PREVIOUS TRIAL LICENSE: It checks that Nebulb has not been tested before on the computer on which the trial license is being activated (to prevent misuse of the evaluation licenses). So, in case Nebulb detects that another trial license may have been used on this computer before, then it does not allow the user access and displays this message. That said, in the case that this message appears, even though you have not activated any previous trial license, open a ticket and we will review it to fix it.
  1. EXPIRED TRIAL LICENSE: Indicates that the evaluation period has ended and access to Nebulb is no longer allowed (because the trial license has been cancelled and therefore the official license has not been created and no fee has been applied).

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