Remove ghost flying objects

Remove ghost flying objects

As explained in more detail in other articles of the documentation related to the management of flying objects: Nebulb allows to modify the category of any flying object, but never eliminates them.

For example, when applying an automatic classification of meteors according to the radiant, potential meteors that do not follow the radiant are not removed, but go to the category of "stranger" objects. That is, although it may sometimes appear that there are flying objects that disappear, what is happening is simply that they have changed category (but have not been eliminated).

That said, there is a small exception related to "ghost" flying objects, since the user does have the option to permanently delete objects of this type.

It should be noted that "ghost" flying objects are usually those where Nebulb has a lot of doubts about their validity and, therefore, require some visual review. Therefore, Nebulb allows the user to delete the "ghost" flying objects that have not passed this review in order to have a cleaner project that requires less memory and disk space.

In addition, by leaving the "ghosts" category empty, you can also use that category in case you want to separate into two groups part of some type of flying object (for example, one could use the "ghosts" category to put there the planes and have them separated from the satellites, in case that would be useful for the user for any reason).

And to be able to delete "ghost" flying objects there are two options (within the menu "Flying Objects -> Ghost flying objects management"):

  1. Remove UNSELECTED ghosts: This option removes only those flying objects from the "ghosts" category that are not selected.
  1. Remove ALL ghosts: This option removes all flying objects currently in the "ghosts" category.

IMPORTANT 1The removal of "ghost" flying objects is not reversible, i.e. it cannot be undone. The only option to be able to recover those flying objects is to close the project without saving it and reopen it, but as soon as the project is saved there is no way to recover the deleted "ghost" objects.

IMPORTANT 2Clicking either of the two options to remove the "ghost" flying objects first displays a confirmation message.

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